Everyone wants to have a slim and beautiful figure.It is not possible without proper exercise and a balanced diet.Some people can not wait longer to get fitness so for those we are giving here a plan for seven days.By following this you will get slim just in 7 days.
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Follow the plan as under
1. Say goodbye to soft drink , juices and soda water just drink water. Drink 8 to 10 glasses and before meal drink more.
Get Slim in 7 days |
2. Eliminate white grains as well as dairy products from your food list to look skinnier in one week. You can use are soy-based food items to satisfy your cravings.
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3. Have a lot of fiber as much as you can. Fiber helps you feel full and moves fat before absorbing in your body ..
4. Add more and more vegetables to your diet as they have a lot of water, high in quantity and low in calories.
Get Slim in 7 days |
5. Avoid sugar and sweet things as it contains extra calories that lead to obese. Take some fruit dark chocolate to fulfill you need.
6. Eat in a very simple and slow way , it gives your brain the chance to communicate with your stomach .Don't eat if you not want to eat more.
Get Slim in 7 days |
7. Do at least 2 hours exercise in which climbing the stairs, walk and exercise is included.
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