Milk is very important for growing kids ,it provides many
important Vitamins and Nutrients that kids need
for their development.
Milk is a greatest source of calcium which makes kid's bones
strong. It protects the child from bone problems .It provides sufficient amount
of calcium to kids body if properly taken. Calcium prevent from many health
issues for future.
Milk is a rich source of Vitamin
D ,It not only helps to absorb calcium in our body but It is also helpful for strong bones. It is
very helpful for immune system of kids body.
Milk is a good source of Protein
which is very important for growing kids.
Milk is very helpful diet for
healthy teeth. It decreases the acidity
level in body which are harmful for enamel
surface. It protects from our gums disorders and dental problems.
Children who are very active and energetic ,Milk protect them from dehydration.
If you want your kids to become
healthy , strong so give them proper
amount of milk in daily diet.
Kids should be served at least 2 to 3 times milk in a day. If they
refuses to take, give them in different
forms like fruit milk shake, ice cream shake etc. Because
it has all important elements which makes kids healthy and prevent them from
many future diseases.
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